KFH Covid-19
Policies/ Procedures


A message to our Community

As our community, and the world, faces the threat of COVID-19 we wanted to address potential concerns regarding continued operations at Kentucky Fresh Harvest and the steps we’re taking to keep our employees, our customers, and our community safe.

Per Governor Andy Beshear’s order regarding public-facing businesses, which states that both agriculture and construction are considered essential at this time, we have continued to do business during this tumultuous time. We feel a great responsibility at this time to not only protect our employees and limit the spread of this terrible disease, but also deliver on the promise of new jobs and plenty of fresh, local produce in 2020. To that end, we’ve taken the steps below.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding these practices, please feel free to use this form to send a message to our Employee and Food Safety Team.

Stay safe, be healthy, and know that the Team at KFH is doing everything we can be good neighbors.


Visitor Health and Hygiene Policy:

Food safety is a priority at KFH, so we ask that prior to your visit you review the following health and hygiene protocols.

1. If you are ill, please come back another day to visit us. Specifically, if you have a fever with a sore throat, cough or generally do not feel well, you will not be permitted to enter the facility, packing house or greenhouses.

2. Please remove all jewelry before entering the packinghouse or greenhouses. It is acceptable to wear a plain wedding band that does not contain stones or a jewel. Please place all jewelry in your pants pocket or if this is not possible, notify the receptionist and alternative storage can be provided.

3. Please wash your hands after using the restroom, eating, smoking. You are required to wash your hands before entering the greenhouse. Hand washing facilities, soap and one-use towels are available outside the entrance to the greenhouse area.

4. Smoking and eating are permitted only in designated areas. If you have any questions regarding these areas, please consult your host.

5. If required, please wear all protective gear provided to you during your visit.

6. If you become ill or injured, please notify your host immediately.

Definition of Jewelry:

Hoop or dangle earrings, necklaces, bracelets, and watches.

The following items are not acceptable to wear in the packing house or greenhouses:

False eye lashes or fingernails, face piercings.

Employee health policy:

Our greatest assets are our employees. With the onset of the COVID – 19 pandemic, the management team has set forth the following steps to ensure the goal to maintain a safe and healthful environment, especially during this time of the Covid-19 virus. In furtherance of our concerns, we have compiled a list of required actions for EACH of our employees and contractors on site, to maximize your protection.

  • Wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

  • Wash before and after you eat, touch common surfaces, or cough or sneeze.

  • If soap and water are not available you can use hand sanitizer by rubbing all surfaces of your hands together until they are dry.

  • Avoid touching your face, mouth, nose and eyes.

  • If you are sick or not feeling well stay home and inform Human Resources immediately.

  • If you begin to feel sick while on the job, inform your supervisor and Human Resources and go home.

  • Cover your cough and sneezes with a tissue or with your upper forearm, dispose of the tissue in the trash and immediately wash your hands. Avoid close contact with other people. Maintain a distance of 6 ft.

  • Use disinfectant wipes and cleaners often to sanitize commonly used areas, such as door knobs, coffee pots, tools, buttons on equipment, cell phones, lifts, etc.

Along with the CDC, Kentucky Fresh Harvest has implemented the following steps in case of a positive test for COVID-19 (a confirmed case) or has symptoms associated with COVID-19 (cough, fever, sore throat, shortness of breath (presumptive or suspected case).

If an individual has the symptoms associated with COVID-19 and the employee is onsite at the facility, the employee must go home immediately. If the employee has not been tested but is symptomatic, the employee must contact their local health department and physician to determine next steps. Employees who have symptoms of acute respiratory illness are required to stay home and not come to work until they are free of fever (100.4° F [38.0° C] and released per a physician statement. Employees should stay in contact with Human Resources as to their recovery.

Steps to be taken when an employee is exposed (in close contact) to an individual who is symptomatic for COVID-19. The employee should be sent home, self-quarantine for 14 days and have negative test results for COVID -19 before returning to work.

The management staff at Kentucky Fresh Harvest takes these precautions with the upmost seriousness and fully believe that by implementing these steps and communicating with employees, we can maintain a healthy business.

If you have any issues or concerns please reach out to any staff member or your Human Resource Manager.

Sick leave arrangements:

  • If an Employee has cold symptoms, such as cough/sneezing/fever, or feel poorly, they are required to go home immediately.

  • Our employees must continue to check in daily with Human Resources on updates about their health.

  • Our Employees may only return to work after being cleared by a medical professional stating they are well.

Work from home requests:

  •  If any Employee is feeling ill, but they are able to work, they can request to work from home.

  • If any Employee has been in close contact with someone infected by COVID-19, with high chances of being infected, they must go into self-isolation, but may request to work from home.

  • All our Employees are being directed not to come into physical contact with any colleagues during this time and to maintain, as much as feasible, the minimum recommended distances from each other per CDC guidance.

  • If our Employees are parents and cannot arrange for childcare, they may request work from home.

  • If any employee needs to provide care to a family member infected by COVID-19, they may request work from home. They will only be permitted to return to the office 14 calendar days after their family member has fully recovered, provided that they have a doctor’s note confirming the Employee has not been infected. They will also be asked not to come into physical contact with any colleagues during this time.

Traveling/commuting measures:

  • All work trips and events – both domestic and international – will be cancelled/postponed until further notice.

  • In-person meetings should be done virtually where possible, especially with non-company parties (e.g. candidate interviews and partners).

  • Supplies should be ordered by phone or on-line, and delivered if possible.

General hygiene rules:

  • Every Employee must wash their hands after using the toilet, before eating, and if they cough/sneeze into their hands (following the 20-second hand-washing rule). They are also encouraged to use the sanitizers placed around the office and service building.

  • Every Employee must wear the face masks provided by the company while they are working on site.

  • Every Employee has been instructed to cough/sneeze into their sleeve, preferably into their elbow. If they use a tissue, discard it properly and clean/sanitize their hands immediately.

  • We open windows regularly to ensure open ventilation.

  • Every Employee has been instructed to avoid touching their face, particularly eyes, nose, and mouth with their hands to prevent possible infection. 

If employees find themselves coughing/sneezing on a regular basis, they have been instructed to avoid close physical contact with their coworkers and take extra precautionary measures (such as requesting sick leave). Our Human Resource manager will evaluate the employee’s condition and may request that they go home for the day.